Nature Effects: Rainbow

A rainbow is a natural phenomenon that leaves no one indifferent. If you stand between the sun and the raindrops (with your back to the sun), you will see an enormous colorful arc filling the sky, created by light refracted and reflected by billions of raindrops. The colors of the rainbow always appear in the same order, from red to violet, and each color is paler than the one before it. Droplets of mist over a body of water or a fountain can also create a rainbow.

Rainbow Effect
Rainbow Effect in AKVIS NatureArt

The shape, size, and location of the rainbow are set by a semicircular frame which appears when the Transform tool is active.

Semicircular Frame

By dragging any of the frame's three control points, you can adjust the arc's height and angle of curvature. When the cursor is brought near one of the control points, it changes to a round shape : in this state, it is used to rotate the arc clockwise or counterclockwise. If the cursor is brought within the frame it changes to this shape, and the rainbow can be moved steadily in one direction.

Changing the Shape of the Rainbow
Changing the Shape of the Rainbow

You can use the Exclusion Tool to select the areas that should be excluded from ​​the effect. The tool protects the selected areas keeping their initial state. It lets you hide parts of the rainbow on the image, for example, to make an object appear to be "in front" of the rainbow.

You can adjust these parameters for the tool:

The Eraser tool lets you edit the excluded area.

Rainbow In Front Of Girl
Rainbow In Front Of Girl
Excluded Area
Excluded Area
Rainbow Behind Girl
Rainbow Behind Girl


The parameters for this effect can be adjusted in the Settings Panel.


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