Classic Frame

The Classic frame consists of four panels joined to each other at a 45° angle. With the AKVIS program you can create frames of various materials like wood, plastic, fabric, etc. The frame texture, width, and brightness can be easily adjustable. A beautifully designed frame elegantly surrounds your artwork making it even more impressive.

Classic Frame


The program comes with a rich Library including a wide range of texture samples and patterns. The samples for the Classic Frame are divided into groups; you can switch between them in the drop-down list.

Classic Frame Library

Below, you can choose a texture sample.

Texture Library


Using a sample, the program generates a frame to your liking.

Adjust the parameters:


Size (1-100). The parameter changes the width of the frame.

Thin Frame Wide Frame
Size = 30 Size = 70


Scale Image to Frame. When the check-box is enabled, the image is scaled to fit the frame. When the option is disabled, the frame applies over the image.

Attention! A part of the image will be cropped to keep the aspect ratio.

Scale Image to Frame check-box is disabled Scale Image to Frame check-box is enabled
Scale Image to Frame check-box is disabled Scale Image to Frame check-box is enabled


Texture Tab

Texture Brightness (-100..100). The parameter adjusts the color brightness. To darken the frame, set a value less than 0; to brighten it up, use higher than 0.

Dark Frame Light Frame
Texture Brightness = -50 Texture Brightness = 50


Flip Vertical . When the button is enabled, the outer and the inner edges of the frame swap over.

Flip Vertical button is disabled Flip Vertical button is enabled
Flip Vertical button is disabled Flip Vertical button is enabled


These options are extremely helpful to get rid of joins which can appear when generating a frame:

Example: Let's take a texture with uneven brightness – its left part is brighter than the right one.

Texture Sample

If both of the buttons are disabled, the frame looks like this:

Texture Joints

Activate the buttons to remove the texture joints:

Mirror Texture button is enabled Both buttons are enabled
Mirror Texture button is enabled Both buttons are enabled


3D Tab

Enable the Apply 3D Effect check-box to give the frame a 3D look.

Original Frame 3D Effect
3D Effect
(Compare OFF/ON check-box)

Effect parameters:

Light Source. Use the dagger on the ball to set the probable light source that affects the appearance of the shadow.

Light Source

Volume (0-100). This parameter affects the depth of the picture frame. At 0, the texture is flat.

Volume = 20
Volume = 20
Volume = 100
Volume = 100

Smooth Transition (-50..50). The parameter adjusts the smoothness of the border between the convex part and the bevel.

Smooth Transition = -50
Smooth Transition = -50
Smooth Transition = 50
Smooth Transition = 50

Bevel Width (0-100). This parameter sets the size of the bevel.

Bevel Width = 35
Bevel Width = 35
Bevel Width = 75
Bevel Width = 75